4 Tips for Driving More Fuel Efficiently

Fuel Efficient cars use less gas per mile - which can not only reduce harmful impacts on the environment, but will help you save on costly gas expenditures. Being conscious of your fuel economy can save you anywhere from a couple cents a gallon to a few dollars. When the miles start adding up, the difference between a few cents can really make a difference. We can help you get the most out of your fuel with these few tips. Driving Safely and Responsibly Constantly braking and accelerating can use up quite a lot of gas per mile. This is most punctuated on streets with frequent traffic lights and stop signs. Be smart in these stop-and-go neighborhoods - try to drive at consistent speeds where you can.

Lighten Your Load

Whenever possible, leave heavy objects at home as they can weigh your vehicle down and increase gas output. This can be especially detrimental with cargo hauled on top of the car, which will introduce aerodynamic drag. Avoid this problem by hauling the cargo on the rear of your car instead.

Fuel Economy in Hot or Cold Weather  

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When the temperature starts rising or dropping, it starts getting harder to maintain fuel efficiency. Running the AC in the summer or the heater in the winter can drive up your gas mileage, so we recommend limiting use of these as much as possible. In snowy weather, be extra vigilant of your car's tire pressure.

Finding the Right Model

The best way to be fuel efficient is to find a car that is fuel efficient, and here at Petrie Ford we can help you do that. The 2018 Ford Focus is among the most efficient, with hatchback and sedan models both achieving consistently great EPA ratings without making sacrifices to comfort or usability. Whatever your preference may be, we can match you with a ride you'll both love and save on.

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